
Preventive Maintenance: The Key to Reliable Hydraulic Systems

Hydraulic Repair

When it comes to keeping equipment in working order, regular hydraulic system maintenance is non-negotiable. You need to maintain your system if you want to keep it running smoothly.

Staying up to date with a maintenance schedule can help you catch problems early and respond with quick, easy fixes. This can save you a lot of time and money that would otherwise be wasted on more complicated repairs. 


Searching for the secret to perfect hydraulic equipment maintenance? Here’s why preventative maintenance is so important and what next steps you should take when problems do appear. 

The Significance of Preventive Maintenance

General hydraulic maintenance serves an important role in preventing future damage. This can save you plenty of stress, as well as helping you avoid wasted time and expensive repair bills that ultimately set you back in business. 

Testing hydraulic systems regularly gives you a sense of what’s normal for your equipment. This can provide you with valuable insight that informs the way you use machinery and helps you spot discrepancies if something changes. You know what they say: prevention is better than a cure. 

Remember, hydraulic systems are powerful, but they can also be complex and fragile. Maintaining them correctly offers an opportunity to keep everything in working order so that you can rely on your gear every step of the way. 

Potential Risks of Neglecting Maintenance

Testing and diagnosing hydraulic systems allows you to spot problems early on. When you catch issues quickly, you can pursue hydraulic system repair work straight away, with no time wasted! Neglected hydraulic equipment runs the risk of:

  • Overheating and fires
  • Steady or sudden loss of pressure
  • Sudden loss of control and/or shutdown

Often, applying fixes fast means you can get away with lower repair requirements and avoid costly problems that might deteriorate as time goes on. Better still, this can reduce the time it takes to fix your hydraulic equipment. This means you’ll waste less time forced off the job, and you won’t have to miss out on major earning opportunities. 

Looking beyond time and price considerations, neglecting maintenance can be detrimental to operational health and safety, for you and for others you work with.  Neglected and faulty hydraulic equipment has the potential to cause devastating injuries and/or fatalities. Hydraulic systems work under extreme pressure to produce strong forces and the sudden failure of those systems can be catastrophic.  

Damage to your hydraulic system may be dangerous, increasing the risk of total equipment failure and associated safety hazards. Failure to address issues may make them worse, necessitating emergency repairs or even a total system replacement. And that’s if the damage doesn’t cause anyone to get hurt. 

Industries at Risk

Many industries rely on hydraulic systems. If you work in these sectors, it’s essential that you’re aware of maintenance requirements so that you can stay on track. 

Hydraulics are common for manufacturing, construction, and agricultural use. In these industries, hydraulic systems are frequently relied upon to power machinery and drive productivity results. Unplanned site shutdowns caused by hydraulic failure cost time and money and can have a flow on effect along the supply chain.

If you’re not testing hydraulic systems, you’ll never know for sure if they’re working properly, and you won’t be able to predict problems before they arise. This may make it difficult to plan for challenges or accommodate risk to business efficiency. 

Partnering with Gerrard Hydraulics

Gerrard Hydraulics is proud to be a leading provider of hydraulic services near you. Our state-of-the-art facilities are designed to provide a wide range of hydraulic component services, keeping your business on track.  

Our experienced technicians are highly skilled and confident. They are equipped to provide professional hydraulic repairs in Perth and surrounds, delivering unbeatable quality on every task. 

Looking for a way to prevent big problems before they begin? It’s time to schedule maintenance! Need to fix something that’s gone wrong? Book in for hydraulic system diagnosis and repair

Whatever your hydraulics needs, Gerrard Hydraulics is here to provide tailored, customisable support. Contact us today to learn more. 

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