Superior Pressure Gauge Kits & Accessories From Gerrard Hydraulics
Our pressure gauge test kits are ideal for testing pressure in your system. We stock an analogue gauge kit and a digital gauge kit.
This suitably kit contains 5 analogue pressure gauges of varying pressure so you can get accurate measurements in low, medium and high-pressure ranges.
Kit Accessories
The kit comes in a strong moulded plastic carry case and contains 12 varying test point adaptors, 14 varying test tee pieces 5 analogue gauges ranging from 0-400bar pressure and 5 test hoses
TK-ANALOGUE Pressure Gauge![]()
This suitably priced kit contains 3 analogue pressure gauges of varying pressures so you can get accurate measurements in low, mid and high-pressure ranges.
Kit Accessories
The kit comes in a strong moulded plastic carry case and contains 6 common test point adaptors and 3 test hoses at 1500mm long.
TK-DIGITAL Pressure Gauge![]()
This kit contains two 700 bar digital gauges so you can test multiple points at once or just have a spare handy.
Kit Accessories
The kit includes everything in this picture plus two 1500mm test hoses (not shown). It comes with 9 common test point adaptors plus 3 diagnostic quick release couplings to suit various manufacturer machines.
Digital & Analogue Pressure Gauge Benefits
A pressure gauge is a fluid intensity measurement device. Pressure gauges are required for the set-up and tuning of fluid power machines and are indispensable in troubleshooting them. Without pressure gauges, fluid power systems would be both unpredictable and unreliable. Gauges help to ensure there are no leaks or pressure changes that could affect the operating condition of the hydraulic system.
Pressure gauges have been used in fluid power systems for well over a hundred years, so it might be a surprise that pressure gauge designs continue to evolve. The evolution of pressure gauges for fluid power applications has, generally, been an increase in application-specific features.
For instance, pressure gauges are now more routinely designed with hydraulic friendly pressure connections (such as SAE/Metric straight threads) to prevent system leaks. Analog gauges with custom scales are more common and digital pressure gauges with customizable firmware allow process measurement of pressure-based measurement of leaks or other parameters like torque, load, force and hardness, but both have their benefits and weaknesses.
Operating Your Pressure Gauge
The pressure can be measured in three ways—absolute, gauge and vacuum:
Absolute pressure is a measure of actual pressure including ambient air, which is zero-referenced with a perfect vacuum but can be as high as 14.7 psi at sea level. Absolute pressure readings are considered in applications interacting with ambient air, such as the compression ratio calculation for flow (cfm) requirements.
Gauge pressure is zero-referenced against ambient pressure and is used in most applications operating in, but not with, ambient air, such as in fluid power systems. Disconnected from equipment, gauge pressure will read zero.
Vacuum pressure is expressed in Torr, or referenced against ambient pressure, as with “in.-Hg” (inches of mercury) units, which measures pressure below ambient.
The hydraulic gauge can withstand different pressure ranges based on what type of gauge style it is and what material it is made out of. Because of this, the gauge style and the material make up two of the most important selection criteria for gauges
To inquire about our products for sale, or for any assistance or advice, get in contact with the Gerrard Hydraulics team today!